The Consortium.

The energy data-X consortium currently has 16 interdisciplinary partners from the sectors of the energy industry, information and communication technology, science and standardisation.

About the project partners

The transmission system operators TenneT (as consortium leader) and Amprion are involved as consortium partners. PPC, Schneider Electric and Spherity are contributing their expertise in information and communication technology. Standardisation requirements are represented by DKE (VDE). The Fraunhofer Institutes IEE and IOSB/AST represent the current state of science.

Associated partners are the transmission system operators 50Hertz and TransnetBW as well as the distribution system operators E.ON and EWE NETZ. ARGE Netz enables the provision of system data for the testing of use cases. Eviden Germany and Microsoft are sharing their technological expertise. The Bundesanzeiger Verlag provides verified digital information. The International Data Spaces Association is responsible for compatibility and networking with other international data ecosystem projects.


TenneT is a leading European transmission system operator.
TenneT plans, builds, maintains and operates the high and extra-high voltage grid in the Netherlands and large parts of Germany.


energy data-X will create the basis for more efficient energy industry processes and new, innovative business models that will make a significant contribution to the implementation of the EU Green Deal.


Based on its experience as an international transmission system operator, the TenneT team is convinced that a sustainable energy supply can only succeed through cross-company data exchange.


As consortium leader and project coordinator, TenneT is responsible for the overall achievement of the objectives, in addition to designing the compliance system and evaluating energy-specific experience.


First-class expertise in IT requirements for the operation of high-performance extra-high-voltage grids, in particular for the system integration of volatile renewable energy generation.


As part of the European Elia Group, 50Hertz is a pioneer in the system integration of renewable energies. The company is responsible for the secure supply of electricity to 18 million people in eastern Germany and Hamburg.


In order to leverage the flexibility potential of small consumers and advance the digitalisation of the energy transition, we are working on a system that focuses more strongly on future customer interests, including within the framework of energy data-X.


The efficient exchange of data with future-proof technologies – including across sectors – is a key enabler for the reliable and climate-neutral energy system of tomorrow. This requires the integrative approach of Gaia-X.


We would like to further develop our product development for data protection-compliant and customer-friendly data sharing for the Gaia-X context and contribute to the project as an associated partner.


As a key player in market communication and as a European transmission system operator, we have a deep understanding of current data exchange processes and future requirements at EU level.


Amprion is one of four transmission system operators in Germany. Our transmission lines are the lifelines of society: they secure the quality of life and jobs of millions of people.


Testing a forward-looking concept for the sovereign exchange of distributed data in the energy market


The large number of new and decentralised participants in the energy market requires the development of easy-to-use and partnership-based concepts for data exchange.


In collaboration with the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Amprion is driving forward the use case of modelling master and movement data from smart meters in the prototype Energy Data Space.


Expertise in energy industry processing and enthusiasm for innovative technology


ARGE Netz is one of the leading groups of renewable energy producers with around 4,500 MW from the far north. Our goals: 100 % renewables, a market design for renewables, strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises and community energy.


The establishment of an energy industry data space recognises that highly available information is crucial for the energy transition. It also strengthens the role of plant operators as data owners.


A renewable energy system is digitalised. A data space that organises quality, usage and access rights enables energy industry processes to run smoothly and cost-effectively.


As an associated partner, ARGE Netz assumes the role of data supplier and data owner. We provide information from renewable generation plants and define requirements from the perspective of plant operators.


Due to the large number of generation plants in the ARGE Netz shareholder group, we can provide a wide range of information from these systems. The aim is to exchange this information between the data space and the virtual power station.


The Bundesanzeiger Verlag (Federal Gazette Publisher) serves as the bridge between lawmakers and those who must adhere to the laws. It supports legislation through platforms such as Bundesanzeiger (Federal Gazette), Unternehmensregister (Company Register), Transparenzregister (Transparency Register), LEIReg, and Bundesgesetzblatt (Federal Law Gazette), as well as official printed materials. Key tasks include publishing corporate data and providing digital identity solutions necessary for compliance with laws and regulations.


The Bundesanzeiger Verlag provides verified digital information from primary registers in the form of “Verifiable Credentials.” This information is intended to support digital processes for identity, authorization, and provenance verification in the energy sector. The goal is to enhance efficiency and compliance in these processes through secure and reliable data.


The Bundesanzeiger Verlag aims to promote the digitalization of the German industry by providing verified digital information from primary registers.


The Bundesanzeiger Verlag provides test credentials for identity verification. Additionally, market partner IDs and market role credentials will be created on a trial basis, based on register data from the German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW). These measures are intended to ensure secure and efficient digital identity verification and authorization for various processes in the energy sector.


The Bundesanzeiger Verlag provides digital information and identity proofs from primary registers to make data exchange more flexible and interoperable.


The German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies in DIN and VDE (DKE), organised by VDE, is the platform for around 9,000 experts from industry, science and administration to develop norms, standards and safety regulations for electrical engineering, electronics and information technology.


The fundamental objective of the DKE is to stabilise the results developed in the project in the long term by drafting technical rules and to introduce them to the IEC and CENELEC at international and European level.


Norms and standards are important because they make devices and systems safe, of high quality and compatible. In order to constantly adapt them to the state of the art, it is necessary to incorporate new findings and innovations into the standardisation work, which is implemented through the project.


The DKE is particularly dedicated to committee and standardisation activities in order to translate the project results into technical rules on the one hand and to ensure that existing, established standards are taken into account on the other.


Comprehensive standards research and provision, particularly in the areas of smart grids, edge data management and distributed ledger technologies, as well as continuous exchange with relevant national and international standardisation experts and committees.


With energy data-X, we intend to get started with modern market communication. In doing so, we are entering into the future sustainability of our market communication and laying the foundations for efficient modern processes.


As a result of our many years of experience as a national grid operator in a considerably changing political environment, we are convinced of the cross-company use of modern technologies


As an associate member, we are involved in the design of the necessary processes to ensure correct and efficient processes in terms of energy management and thus ensure that the overall objective is achieved.


First-class expertise in energy industry processes and their requirements for modern IT.


We are one of the largest global players in digital services with 57,000 engineers and problem solvers who combine highly synergistic skills to expand the possibilities of data and technology:

  • We work in the 6 areas such as Digital Transformation, Smart Platforms, Cloud, Advanced Computing, Digital Security and Net Zero.
  • We work in 7 industries such as Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Public Sector & Defence, Retail, Transport & Logistics, Telecommunications, Media & Technology

energy data-X will create new business models in the IT and data environment that will support the transformation of the energy sector across the EU and simplify data exchange.


Through its involvement in other Gaia-X projects, Eviden has already accumulated a large pool of experience in various industries, which can also be put to excellent use in the energy sector.


Eviden is responsible for creating the portal and developing the interfaces for connecting the relevant data. Existing Gaia-X solutions will play an important role here.


With first-class global expertise, we develop IT projects based on digital transformation, smart platforms, cloud, advanced computing, digital security and Net Zero.


EWE NETZ plans, builds and operates sustainable distribution grids for electricity, natural gas, drinking water and telecommunications in the Ems-Weser-Elbe region as well as other grids in Brandenburg, North West Pomerania and on the island of Rügen in the interests of the environment and people.


With energy data-X, we are working on the usability of data in order to fulfil tasks optimally and more efficiently and create the opportunity to develop new business models that serve a sustainable infrastructure.


Data is an essential component of processes in energy grids, but the real added value only comes from linking, analysing and utilising data through defined accessibility, accountability and data quality.


As an associated partner in the energy data-X project, we are particularly involved in the design and prototyping of specific use cases in the field of smart metering systems.


We are incorporating our latest findings from the use of smart metering systems and the exchange of energy data across voltage levels into the project from the perspectives of supply security, environmental compatibility and economic efficiency.


The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the world’s leading organisation for application-oriented research. With its focus on future-relevant key technologies and the utilisation of results in business and industry, it is a driving force for innovative developments and scientific excellence contributes to social issues of the future such as the central challenges of the energy transition.


In energy data-X, we are developing the digital ecosystem for the future exchange of data in the energy industry. This will simplify access to data and create the basis for digital sovereignty for stakeholders


The energy transition can only succeed through comprehensive digitalisation and adaptation of the value creation networks. Fraunhofer is developing data-driven innovations for the energy industry for these transformations.


Fraunhofer is the central research and development partner in the project and leads the development process from the specification and system architecture to the development of the technical components of the data space. Fraunhofer is also involved in the implementation of the use cases.


Expertise in the energy industry process landscape and the digital transformation of the energy system. Unique position in research on data space technologies and expert knowledge on the implementation of use cases in the area of SMGW measurement data provision and flexibility services.


The International Data Spaces Association (IDSA) has set itself the task of shaping the future of the global digital economy. Its more than 150 member companies and institutions have created the International Data Spaces (IDS) standard: a secure system of sovereign and trustworthy data exchange in which all participants can realise the full value of their data. IDS enables new intelligent services and innovative business processes that work across organisations and industries, while ensuring that control of the data remains in the hands of the data providers. We call this data sovereignty.


For the IDSA, this project is not only about demonstrating the feasibility of an Energy Data Space, but also about creating a basis for the European data economy. Coordination with the European Data Space initiatives, which the IDSA will initiate, will help here.


For the IDSA, the project harbours the opportunity to contribute to the energy transition in Germany by creating the necessary digital infrastructures.


Our role in the project is to ensure the dissemination of results and to bring the consortium partners into contact with important European and international stakeholders, thereby strengthening the project as a whole.


Reference to relevant publications and data space building blocks.
Linking with relevant stakeholders. Publicising results.


Power Plus Communications AG (PPC), based in Mannheim, is the leading provider of smart meter gateways and communication technology for the digitalisation of the energy transition.


In energy data-X, PPC will integrate the SMGW infrastructure as a digital and highly secure communication platform into a comprehensive, Gaia-X-compliant data space for the German energy industry.


Smart Meter Gateways are a central data source of the future energy system. Their integration into an Energy Data Space will simplify energy industry processes and open up new business models and market opportunities.


In its role as an industry partner, PPC’s focus is on the configuration as well as hardware and software implementation of the use case “SMGW integration for Energy Data Space Edge Integration.”


As a leading manufacturer of smart meter gateways and smart grid communication technology, PPC provides the consortium with technical expertise and many years of implementation experience in the field of the digitalised energy transition.


Spherity is a European market leader in decentralised identities for regulated industries for B2B use cases with a focus on cybersecurity, compliance and automation.


The interaction of identity and data spaces is intended to make access to data more secure through robust authorisation mechanisms, increase the trustworthiness of data and automate compliance requirements.


We want to enable more verifiable data exchange and make it more secure, resulting in automated processes, more efficient optimisation mechanisms and many new innovation opportunities for the digital energy networks of the future.


Coordination of project activities around the topic of Identity & Trust as well as the establishment of trust chains and their integration into the Energy Data Space for authorisation and proof of origin chains.


In-depth knowledge in the areas of identity, trust models, cybersecurity, compliance and the energy industry. Application experience in market communication, smart redispatch, SMGW and crowd flexibilities.


TransnetBW. The power behind the power. As a transmission system operator, we at TransnetBW secure the electricity supply for around eleven million people in Baden-Württemberg. We create the infrastructure for the energy transition by maintaining, optimising and expanding the electricity grid in line with demand. Our grid covers an area of 34,600 square kilometres. We are the power behind the power.


energy data-X removes barriers to market entry, simplifies data exchange processes and thus creates a basis for simple Europe-wide data exchange.


As a transmission system operator with the innovative electricity hub in the heart of Europe, we are convinced that data exchange must also become European in order to ensure a sustainable energy supply in Europe.


As an associated partner, we want to support the integration of data from smart meters into energy data-X and help to simplify future data communication processes.


Strong expertise in energy industry topics and first-class knowledge of German data exchange processes.